Concord Farmers’ Market Bylaws
Article I – Name: The name of this organization shall be the “Concord Farmers’ Market Association (CFMA)”.
Article II – Goals and Objectives: The goal of this organization is to form an association of persons having a common interest in NH agricultural-based products, promote that common interest and to establish and maintain the integrity of the Concord Farmers Market.
The objectives of this organization shall be:
- To identify, promote and encourage the development of a self-sustaining, economically viable farmers market.
- To identify both individual farmers/growers/producers in the Concord area and develop a network of support and information for these entities to market their products directly to the consumer.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and for addressing problems, needs and concerns; an increased opportunity for purchasing materials by taking advantage of bulk purchase discounts; publicity that will promote sales and information and technical resources.
- To support ideas, activities or programs which are beneficial to the CFMA.
Article III – Membership: Full time members are defined as Individuals that support the goals and objectives of this association may become a member of the CFMA upon application and payment of any required annual dues and upon review of all parties involved, the CFMA membership may, with a 2/3rd majority vote of those present at the annual meeting, admit/revoke membership of any individual whose activities are deemed beneficial/detrimental to the goal and objectives of the CFMA. After the opening market day, anyone wishing to be considered for membership and participation should submit to the Board of Directors a resume outlining products to be sold and dates of attendance. Approval of such request will require 2/3 vote of the Board. Full Time members will need to attend the market for 75% of the scheduled days and the stall fee to be paid in a payment plan determined by the Board (amended 3/19)
- If the farm transfers to a family member, AND continues selling the same items as original owner’s most recent CFM application, then the transfer should be simple and noted on the yearly application, and the farm/ (new) member would be automatically approved as a member at the next annual meeting.
- If the farm transfers to other than a family member but remains selling same items as on the latest CFM application, there would be a one year probationary period, and then membership can decide if the new owner is a proper fit within the market at the next annual meeting after the one year probationary period.
- If either the family member or the new owner is selling different items than stated on most recent CFM application that would be considered a new application. This new application would have to go through the normal application process.
Article IV – Dues: The necessary funds to defray the expenses of the CFMA may be raised by dues. Annual dues are due on or before the date of the annual meeting. The rate of dues will be set by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting.
Article V – Meetings: An annual meeting will be held prior to the opening of the market. A minimum of one (1) additional meeting will be held at the conclusion of the market season. Meetings will be held at a time and place determined during the preceding meeting. The membership shall be notified thirteen (13) days prior of the time and place of the meeting. Additional and/or special meetings may be held as required.
Article VI – Committees: Committees will be appointed by the president and be members in good standing. Committee vacancies will be filled by the president.
Article VII – Officers and Board of Directors: The board of Directors of the CFMA shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of three Directors elected from the membership at large.
- The President will perform those duties which usually pertain to the office of the President including presiding at all CFMA meetings, having general supervision of the affairs of the CFMA, signing or countersigning all contracts or other instruments of the CFMA as authorized by the Board of Directors, and making all efforts to keep the Board of Directors and the general members informed of all decisions and actions undertaken on their behalf by the Board of Directors. The President or designee will represent the CFMA at appropriate meetings.
- The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve as well as other duties as assigned.
- The Secretary will maintain records of all meetings of the CFMA and is responsible for correspondence and notifications. In the case of absence, the President will appoint a Secretary pro-tem to serve during a meeting or until the time an elected Secretary can fulfill his/her duties. The Secretary will perform other duties as assigned.
- The Treasurer will collect all dues, pay all legal bills and have custody of all funds of the CFMA. The Treasurer shall keep regular books of accounts and balance the same every month and submit this record to the Board of Directors and membership at each meeting. The Treasurer will perform other duties as assigned.
- The Market Manager will procure necessary licenses for the market and be responsible to the BOD for the effective management of the market and enforcement of market rules. In the event there is no Market Manager the President will perform or designate a member to discharge all or part of these duties.
- The directors, with the approval of the membership, will raise and expend all funds of the organization, collect all monies due, have control of the expenses, determine the operating policies and transact all other business of the CFMA and perform such other functions as are deemed necessary.
Article VIII – Elections, Terms and Quorum: Elections of Officers and the Board of Directors will be held at the annual meeting, requiring a majority vote of those present. Officers shall be members in good standing. The Board of Directors will be elected to serve a term of one year. The CFMA members present shall constitute a quorum.
Article IX – Conflict of Interest Policy: Officers and Directors of the CFMA will receive no compensation for their services as Officers and Directors. It is allowable that they may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their duties. (New Hampshire statutory requirements are incorporated into and made part of these by-laws. The Association, Officers and Directors will comply with all requirements of New Hampshire laws dealing with pecuniary benefit transactions [RSA 7;19, II and 292:6-a]. These requirements include, but are not limited to, absolute prohibition on any loans to any Officer or Director of the CFMA. These requirements extend to both direct and indirect financial interests, as defined by these statutes).
Article X – Fiscal Year: The fiscal year will be the calendar year.
Article XI – Amendments: These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting. Amendments will be noticed to the membership thirteen (13) days prior to the annual meeting.
Article XII – Dissolution: In the event of dissolution of the CFMA, assets and property, will after payment of necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to an organization or organizations having like aims and goals as the CFMA; otherwise, all assets will be disposed of according to applicable state law.
Adopted: April 24, 2004
Amended: March 6, 2011
Amended: March 29, 2015